Classic Large Jar Pomegranate & Gin Fizz

Classic Large Jar Pomegranate & Gin Fizz


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A snow-frosted, mountain retreat is the
perfect setting for your idyllic Christmas
celebration with family and friends.
A rustic cabin stands warm and resplendent
amongst the fresh snow, towering conifers
and crisp mountain air.
With welcoming aromas and worn floor
boards your cosy holiday home is filled with
seasonal plaids and Nordic-patterned details
and for the perfect finishing touch, you
decorate a twinkling tree with your family.
Afterwards, relaxing by a crackling fire, you
relish the time together and the festive mood
that warms you from the inside.

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A sparkling holiday drink- sweet pomegranate mingles with fresh citrus and cranberry- cheers!


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